
Please note that our fellowships are currently being held virtually. Want to get connected? We’d love to hear from you.


Adult Fellowship

WEDNESDAY, 7:30PM-9:00PMĀ (on Zoom)

This fellowship exists to spur each other on towards love and good works (Hebrews 10:24) in our personal lives as well as in the life of our church. We are all young at heart and enjoy gathering weekly to pray, learn and spend time together building Christ-centered friendships.


Young Adults Fellowship

THURSDAY, 7:30PM-9:00PM (on Zoom)

Our small group for young adults (college and up) are weekly gatherings where we share about our lives, laugh, pray together, study God’s Word and allow the Word to search us and change us. We know we can’t do this journey alone and need one another’s gifts, encouragement and corrections in order to see God’s kingdom grow in our lives.